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Electricians and Urban Gardeners





Light and Power


New builds and Rewiring

Commercial Subcontracting

Solar Power

L.E.D Lighting

REC 20117



Edible Gardens

Fruit and Veggie Patches

Herbs and Espaliered Trees

Harnessing Water


Grow your own

Offering all things electrical from residential to commercial.


Sustainabilty starts at home

Make the switch today

Qualified electricians with solar design and install degrees at Earth Neutral we offer a unique service for those wishing to minimise their carbon footprint, live an eco friendly and sustainable life, grow your own food and become self sustainable or go completely off the grid.


Solar power and low energy lights and appliances can be designed and installed to your specifications. We offer all areas of the electrical trade too, light, power and beyond.


It is an exciting time to go solar, the arrival of affordable and quality batteries is on our doorstep, soon we will see Australia transition to complete independence from the big power companies.


With years of experience in edible and urban gardens, we can show you how to grow and maintain your very own veggie patch, espaliered fruit trees, vertical herb gardens, stooling beds and much more. As the planet grows and our demand for resources becomes more unsustainable every year, the move to your own edible garden can be a fantastic way to save money, save resources and save the environment.


Growing your own food has so many benefits to your family and the planet it can not be understated:


- No chemicals, pesticides or dangerous substances mixing in with your food 

- No transport costs from the farm to supermarket to home, just go outside, pick and eat

- Organic and natural procedures ensure clean, healthy, tasty food

- Teach your children that food grows with time, love and attention, not on a supermarket shelf.


Contact Us 


Contact us and have any further questions answered from our expert team of Electricians, Solar Design and Install and Urban Gardeners

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